🚨 This error fare has now been removed
From £8 total price
Boston flights from £8Click hereSome crazy error fares are happening through Kayak right now, with routes from London to all over the US and Canada from as little as £8 return.
We can't promise these fares will be honoured, we've had users say they've managed to book and some are unable to enter details, but hey, it's worth a shot!
Here's an example of what we're seeing on Kayaks explore map from London.
Mateys - this price is insane. We're seeing £0 when we click through. We can't promise it'll be honoured, but worth a chance?
We might be pirates, but we’re an honest bunch. We check all our deals when we review them to make sure everything is available. However, with deals this hot, things change quickly—flight prices fluctuate, hotel rooms sell out, currencies yo-yo. But mainly, demand for the best deals means the lowest prices don’t last long. If you’ve missed out this time, don’t worry, we’re working on more great offers.
Interested in offsetting your carbon emissions for this flight? Read our guide to help you make an informed decision.
Travelling solo? Check out our single-travel deals here.
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