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Architecture, Bordeaux, City
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Here's why you should choose one of these 5 European cities for your next romantic trip!

Swap Paris for Bordeaux! Forget Florence, book Verona... ❤️

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Pirates, we've had a look at where to go for a romantic trip in Europe that's not the usual spots. Here's our top five destinations -- some for wine lovers, some for foodies, some with heart-breaking love stories involved. ❤️

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Bordeaux is perfect for a sneaky Valentine's getaway if you don't want to do the regular Paris trip. "Little Paris", as that's what the city in the Southwest of France is called, features the same charismatic French feel like its big sister, but on a smaller, more intimate scale.

Think medieval buildings, old watchtowers, winding streets, and iconic architecture. And, of course, this city trip is best for WINE lovers! ❤️

You can snap up flight-and-hotel packages from under £100 per person.

San Sebastián

☔️ The bad news is, it rains a lot in this part of the Basque Country -- the good news is, that makes it even more a way!

Snuggled up under one umbrella, you can hop from one cute little shop to the next. San Sebastián is great for foodies with a lot of Michelin-starred restaurant options.

We recommend flying into Bilbao (and staying for a night or two). You can take the bus into San Sebastián, it's approximately a 2-hour round trip, and you can check the town out in a day.


Copenhagen can be super romantic -- think strolls along the canals, scenic photos in front of colourful houses and massive churches. There's a 19th-century amusement park right in the middle of the city, inspired by Hans Christian Andersen and Walt Disney. That definitely makes for a brilliant date! It's usually open until 10pm, so very romantic with all the lights on in the dark. Season starts in April.

🏴‍☠️ Pirate tip: The city can be notoriously expensive, especially when it comes to food and drink. We recommend some research into the restaurants you want to go to, so you know what to expect when the bill comes. 💸

Don't expect too much when visiting this iconic statue, it's slightly underwhelming 😅. Thousands of tourists flock to The Little Mermaid every year, as it's one of Copenhagen's famous landmarks. It's a tribute to writer Hans Christian Andersen and his story about the princess of the Mer-people, who fell in love with a human and her desire to become human herself. ❤️


Some argue that the meaning of Ljubljana is "beloved", so it's right there in the word, pirates! LOVE is everywhere in Slovenia's capital. It's the city of bridges (you might want to bring a padlock with initials to manifest your romance). Its Old Town looks like out of a fairy tale with a mix of architecture your eyes can feast on.

Everyone cycles in Ljubljana, rentals are cheap, so make sure you get a bike and pedal along the river, stopping at beer gardens (try the Slovenian wine, it's delish!). 🍷


Done Rome, Florence, Venice? Try Verona! It's arguably less touristy, especially if you don't go in the peak season. But it's got all the things we love so much about an Italian city trip: piazzas and churches galore, cafés, beautiful walks along the river, gorgeous little restaurants on every corner...

Date ideas: Learn how to make pasta from scratch. Or book tickets for Verona's amazing open-air theatre, where you can watch classical opera while gazing at the stars.

Verona is home to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliette story. Make sure to take a glimpse at the famous balcony when you're there.


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