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5-night Tuscan break in a 4⭐ hotel with rooftop pool 😎☀️👙

Peak-season miracle deal 🤩 This August holiday is cheaper than going in May, June or July!

From £277 pp

Published by
Hannah G·05/02/2024

When we suggest going away during the summer holidays, we think no way, Jose. As nine times out of 10, the holiday is gonna cost you a LOT more. Unless you have kids or you're a teacher, then you have no choice 🥲.

It's pretty annoying for everyone, as sometimes we wanna go away in the summer when the weather is fine. So take a look at this 5-night August break to Tuscany for £277. In some crazy twist of fate, this summer holiday, staying at the 4-star Boston hotel in Montecatini in Tuscany is CHEAPER in August than if you were to go in May, June, or July! Say whaaaat?!

Time to send this peak-season beauty to every mother, brother, lover and teacher! This deal is what we call a bluebird: an unexpected win for all.


  • Travel on 17 August from London for the best price

  • Other travel dates, departure airports and durations are available, but they cost more

  • Transfers and checked luggage are not included

  • Based on two sharing, ATOL protected and available on Loveholidays

Additional Information

We might be Pirates, but we’re an honest bunch. We check all our deals when we review them to make sure everything is available. Here’s the catch: with deals this hot, things change quickly: flight prices fluctuate, hotel rooms sell out, currencies yo-yo. Mainly, demand for the best deals means the lowest prices don’t last long. But, if you’ve missed out this time, don’t worry: we’re working on more great offers.

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