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Escape to Tallinn for a long weekend at a swanky 4⭐️ Hilton hotel 😍

No Glasto tickets? This last-minute deal is on the same weekend and includes flights! ✈️ Prices way cheaper than mid-week 🔥

From £299 pp

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Pirates, didn't get Glasto tickets and looking for a last-minute weekend away instead? We've found a deal for a 4-star Hilton hotel, no less, in Estonia's capital. What a country to tick off your bucket list!

For £299 (£56 LESS than a Glastonbury ticket), you can enjoy a weekend away in June at Hilton Tallinn Park, a chic hotel steps away from the city centre where you can enjoy the peaceful Politseiaed Park and the Medieval Old Town.

Prices are cheaper for a weekend than mid-week and rise sharply - in fact, prices can rise up to £600 in the same month! Flights are from London, but there's also other airports available.


Booking example:

  • Return flights available on 14 June from London Luton (lead date; other airports available for other departure dates)

  • Does not include checked luggage

  • This deal is based on two sharing, ATOL protected and available via

Other Options

This screenshot was added on 24.05.2024

Prices are also under £300 later in the year if you're looking for a milder city break.

Additional Information

We might be pirates, but we’re an honest bunch. We check all our deals when we review them to make sure everything is available. However, with deals this hot, things change quickly—flight prices fluctuate, hotel rooms sell out, currencies yo-yo. But mainly, demand for the best deals means the lowest prices don’t last lon g. If you’ve missed out this time, don’t worry, we’re working on more great offers.

Interested in offsetting your carbon emissions for this flight? Read our guide to help you make an informed decision.

Travelling solo? Check out our single-travel deals here.



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