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🌿 Scenic holiday park for 4 nights near Carbis Bay 😍

Room for 6 guests 🥳 Pet-friendly lodge 🐶 great value 💰

From £198 pp

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It's not always fun to think about the end of summer, but maybe you can put it off a bit longer when you book a late-season break. Especially when you can take your mates or family with you.

Check out this 2-bedroom lodge in Parbola Holiday Park in Hayle, a 10-minute drive from Carbis Bay. Nestled within 16 acres of grounds, you've got the best of woodland and coast on your doorstep - exactly what you want from Cornwall.

The lead date for this offer is 30 September for 4 nights - so, if you do round up five mates, it only costs £8.25 per person per night to stay here! Considering prices in August are almost £700, this really is a steal. And we haven't even mentioned up to 2 pets can come along 🐶


  • Price for the lodge is £198 for four nights

  • Available on 30 September

  • This offer is based on six people sharing and available on

Additional Information

We might be pirates, but we’re an honest bunch. We check all our deals when we review them to make sure everything is available. However, with deals this hot, things change quickly—flight prices fluctuate, hotel rooms sell out, currencies yo-yo. But mainly, demand for the best deals means the lowest prices don’t last long. If you’ve missed out this time, don’t worry, we’re working on more great offers.



Autumn holidaysEarly BirdHoliday parkMini BreakNatureUnder 500
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